Plundering of countries sacking of cities
For he decided such cases without full examination, naming the punishment when he had heard only the accuser’s side of the matter. Without hesitation he wrote decrees for the plundering of countries, sacking of...
Soldiers to others of their chieftains
These Huns, as soon as they had got this money, sent it together with their soldiers to others of their chieftains, with the word to make inroads into the land of the Emperor: so...
Foolishly thinking this the holier course of two evils
Agents were sent everywhere to force whomever they chanced upon to renounce the faith of their fathers. This, which seemed impious to rustic people, caused them to rebel against those who gave them such...
The Law of 390
A clearer law was issued by Valentinian II, Theodoisus and Arcadius on Aug 6, 390. It also survives in the Theodosian Code:
Cod.Theod. IX. Vii. 6: All persons who have the shameful custom of condemning...
Includes texts of earlier Roman legislation on homosexuality
Justinian I: Novel 77 and Novel 141
Roman Law
There had been earlier Roman legislation against homosexual acts. There was a shadowy Lex Scantinia supposedly passed in the early Republic against homosexual activity, but...
Theophanes Continuatus
Chapter three presents a partial textual analysis of the Synopsis Historion, comparing Skylitzes’ text with that of Theophanes Continuatus, focussing on the tenth-century reign of Romanos Lekapenos. We are shown that Skylitzes is not...
The Introduction of Michael to the Emperor by his Brother
There, then, is the preface to the story; the sequel came about as follows. Among other persons who served this emperor, before his accession to the throne, was a certain eunuch,**40 a man of...
Replenish the imperial treasury
Even if the emperor felt compelled to build on a more magnificent scale than anyone else, it was still his duty to care for his palace, to glorify the acropolis, to repair what had...
Doubtless it is a beautiful thing
Often, too, the work would cease and then suddenly rise up afresh, slightly bigger or with some more elaborate variety. When rivers flow into the sea, most of their water is drained away before...